Children at Cambo First School in Northumberland spent the day with Award winning director, animator and digital artist, Virpi Kettu, learning animation and film making skills. It was a very practical workshop, with the children making their own videos. Virpi spent the second day of her mini Highlights Participate tour, with Crosby Ravensworth CE Primary School and at Brough Community Primary School. You can read some fantastic feedback below!
“Thanks Virpi, the children are absolutely delighted with the finished animation. I’ve shared it on facebook and through the school website. Highlights, thanks so much for finding Virpi and sharing the opportunity. ” Class Teachers
“The children most enjoyed working with a professional, hands on, most of the time working collaboratively. The multi sensory nature of the workshop.” Class Teacher
“Absolutely excellent. One of the best workshops we have had. So hands on and what an end product. The children are still raring to go and do their own thing, even in their own time.”
“The children were super excited to talk with someone whom had direct experience of working on films with animation, esp Wallace and Grommit. They were fully involved with every aspect of the workshop, on task at all time and so happy with their final product.” Class Teacher
“Workshop outcomes were general participation, creativity, learning and knowledge building, confidence, communication skills and resilience. ” Class Teacher
- “They developed further knowledge about their new History topic on the Mayans, technical understanding of how to produce stop motion animation. Creative skills were tested as they produced artwork, storytelling and public speak skills were tested as they read the story. I also appreciate that Virpi is an example of success in creative arts who our children can be inspired by.” Head Teacher