We’re delighted to welcome Gav Cross once again, on 18th July, to tell a suitably dark, nasty tale, full of dubious intention… for a special end of year Tell Tale Twit performance, for Key Stage 3 students at Kirkby Stephen Grammar School in Cumbria. Gav worked with KSGS students back in February this year, delivering a Theatre Skills workshop.
Gav says..
“I have been lucky enough to be a storyteller for young people and adults alike for a long time now. Around campfires or in a classroom, stories are a powerful tool that can inspire creativity, thinking and empathy in everyone. Stories are also a perfect way to kick start your curriculum topic, to deepen and strengthen the writing and learning.”
Thanks to Karen West for the studio photo
I just wanted to say a big thank you for sending Gav along to us again.
He really is wonderful with the children.
He crammed so much about storytelling into his session this morning.
If we could only have him for an hour a week, what a difference he’d make!