Our final Young Promoter review from the Autumn season, is for Katie Spencer, who was performing at Orton Market Hall.
Our thanks as always, to Highlights Promoters Chris, Kathryn, Debbie and Matthew at Levens, Orton, Arnside and Casterton who have very generously supported this season’s Young Promoter, Olivia, from Queen Elizabeth School in Kirkby Lonsdale. With their help at venues, Olivia has been able to help back stage, meet artists/companies and find out about the work involved in running and coordinating events.
Original lyrics and simple chords filled this show, Katie’s unique voice calmly relaying her heartfelt melodies. Her words created the same serene feeling of the rolling hills and nature surrounding us every day. Her unique voice lulled the audience with a familiar, yet distant flow of memories. Katie shared the reasons and stories behind her songs, which delved into how people have connected and shaped the natural landscape, as well as overcoming her feelings of homesickness and how she’s dealt with change.
Olivia Hubbard, 2023