We’re coming to the final few Participate workshops from a very busy Autumn of 32 workshops!
We’ve worked with 10 artists/companies across the Autumn school term and with 20 schools, including touring artists and regionally based artists from our three counties and elsewhere in the North. We’re delighted to have reached students in 5 Secondary schools this term, supporting Arts activities for GCSE and A Level students, as well as working with 11 new schools, reaching over 1200 children in rural schools..
We’ve also had some fantastic feedback from teachers and students.
The teachers who were present said that the children were mesmerized and truly captivated during the session!
This was a new experience for our children, it introduced them to a different culture and music
They were able to work with Kema in a creative environment and then see him on stage in the production. The outcomes were knowledge of the creative process, better understanding of the play and its characters. They loved getting to know Kema and finding out about his acting career
Photos of Supriya Nagarajan, Wolsingham School, October 2023