Our Young Promoter, Bella has been to see Stitch in Time: A Knitting Cabaret, at Levens Village Institute. Read her review below and you can still catch the show which has three more performances with Highlights, in Cumbria and Northumberland – https://highlightsnorth.co.uk/event/stitch-in-time-a-knitting-cabaret/
Little old ladies knitting codes into scarves and songs about sewing machines…not two topics you would normally associate with a night out in a village hall or even Knitting?
Melanie Gall was our glamorous storyteller for the evening, complete with evening dress and knitting fascinator, transported us through the lives and experiences of people living through World War One and Two using knitting songs. For many years, these knitting songs were lost into the knit of history (see what I did there?) and Melanie with her passion for knitting made them come alive again.
The accessory for the evening was your own knitting or embroidery but do not worry, there was some spare knitting at the front in case you had forgotten your own.
A fascinating evening, full of historical and musical influences, and let’s face it, the opportunity to spend a night of your life listening to songs about knitting, is just one you cannot miss. Bella Hubbard
Photo credits, Bella Hubbard