Poet Rowan McCabe will be joining Highlights for his show Poetry Door to Door: Nationwide this October. We’re delighted he will also be leading half day poetry workshops with children at Cambo First School, Northumberland and at Brough Community Primary School, in Cumbria.
‘Rowan McCabe is a poet and a professional waffler from Newcastle upon Tyne. Aware that poetry isn’t a proper job, he decided to create his own and became the world’s first Door-to-Door Poet. Knocking on strangers’ doors, he asks what is important to them. He then goes away and writes a poem about this, free of charge, before bringing it back and performing it on their doorstep. It’s sort of like the Avon lady… but with rhymes.’
“Ingenious” – BBC Radio Scotland
“Highly talented with verse” – Broadway Baby
“Absolutely riveting” – Attila the Stockbroker