
Feedback from Schools – Kema Sikazwe

Kema Sikazwe (Kema Kay) has been working with our Participate programme since Autumn Term 2021 and has now reached children in 8 Primary Schools across Cumbria, County Durham and Northumberland. The feedback is always fantastic and Kema has been a really inspirational role model. So far, Kema has worked with over 150 children, in some of our smaller rural schools, creating new writing and rap songs, where children collaboratively develop creative ideas.

“The workshops developed enthusiasm for performance poetry.”

“The quality of the teaching was excellent.”

“The children benefitted from the opportunity to collaborate. All responses were valid. Kema promoted peer group working and communication.”

“They also enjoyed the ‘Celebrity’ involvement – Kema’s YouTube Channel. Fun!”

“They most enjoyed the final performance of the work (a rap song). Seeing their contributions in the final lyrics.”

“What they least enjoyed was the project ending!”

“We shared the work on Facebook and with Highlights. It will be performed in our half-termly Learning Assembly to pupils and parents and other stakeholders of the school.”

Children said “I thoroughly enjoyed writing the rap. I am inspired to write my own music.”

“I love watching Kema perform and listening to how he works.”


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