On the 17 September – under beautiful blue skies that didn’t happen in August – Kate, Kath, Dawn and Joel visited the Penrith Community Tree Nursery. Managed by the Eden Rivers Trust, this project is a doorway to conservation; a place accessible to all, where local people, volunteers and community groups could learn about trees and the river and work together.
Our volunteer leader, Jenni, is a walking source of inspiration and knowledge. She showed us how to remove seeds from rowan berries, to be germinated over winter and planted at Swindale. This is where the berries originated from, underlining the importance of supporting the local eco-system.
We are keen to develop an ongoing relationship with Eden Rivers Trust, and we are already looking forward to our next visit. Watch this space!
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please head to https://www.edenriverstrust.org.uk/volunteer/ for more information.